Do you want to put your career on fast track by perfecting your English and work with top professionals in your field? Do you want the very best education available? Whatever may be the reasons, one thing is clear – your next step is to come to U.S.A., which will help you achieve your goals and have fun! The United States has more institutions of higher education than any other country in the world and more importantly.

USA Statistics

World class learning institutions

The United States has more institutions of higher education than any other country in the world and more importantly the quality of these academic bodies. Most colleges and universities offer programs in United States-class education with highly qualified teachers. The research at many of these universities is cutting-edge and often published in journals worldwide. Many of the teachers in these schools are leading authorities in their field. The list of educational institutions world-class U.S. is endless and includes, but is not limited to: Stanford University, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, California Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, John Hopkins, Northwestern University, etc.

Unlimited study choices

One of the best things about studying in the U.S. is the large number of academic options offered to students. Since U.S. is such a large country with vast resources, almost every field of study is available in the country. One can study everything from Russian history to nuclear physics. That’s why so many foreigners choose to obtain their training in USA. If you can perceive it, you can probably find a place in the United States to study.


This is the most common type of student visa. To participate in academic studies in the United States at an approved school as an accredited U.S. or college, private high school, or an approved English language program then you need an F-1 visa. You also need an F-1 visa if your course of study is more than 18 hours a week.

Note: – F-1 visa can be issued for attendance at a public secondary school (grades 9-12), but the student is limited to a maximum of 12 months in school. The school must also indicate on the form I-20 that the student has paid the unsubsidized cost of education and the amount submitted by the student for that purpose.