

Ireland is the third largest island in Europe, divided by Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It experiences mild climate and frequent rainfall. It is blessed with few ecstatic landscapes where Dublin is the tourist destination and also the capital of Ireland. It is also known for its agricultural methods and natural fresh-water ecosystems

Ireland Statstics

About Ireland

There are two main languages in Ireland – Irish and English. Many universities in Ireland rank high and are a popular choice among international students. Its historical background, beautiful countryside and unique culture attract students to study and live there. It is surrounded by countries that have benefited most from the booming economy which translates into property values.

Other Information

It practices parliamentary democracy which enables foreigners to have an elated lifestyle. It is renowned for excellence in education where cities like Dublin, Galway, Cork are considered student cities.

Why Study in Ireland ?

Ireland ranks impressively good at world level for quality of education. It is a modern country with a huge population of the youth (below age of 25) i.e. 40 % of the overall population. The country is known as one of the friendliest country in the world. The standard of living in Ireland is the major attraction among the international students.

Other Benefits

It accepts students for post-graduation with 15 years of education, unlike some countries. It is known as IT hub as the leading multinational IT companies have their headquarters there. The employment rate of Ireland has reached higher in last decades.


Major Intake months are september and January

Cost and Duration of Education

Cost of Education is 9000-42000 Euros per annum. Duration of course for undergraduate programs are 0-3 years. Duration of course for Post graduate programs are 0-2 years.